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Planning & Permits

“The Village of Kaslo (the village, or the municipality) strives to build on traditional strengths including the natural beauty of its surroundings, its attention to historical preservation, and its role as a service centre for the north Kootenay Lake sub-region. Kaslo supports a full, productive and meaningful life for all citizens through policies, services and programs that reflect community values and encourage sustainable development. The Village harnesses the knowledge and creativity of its citizens to ensure that challenges, including local food security, a safe water supply, climate change and economic sustainability, are met with confidence and enthusiasm. Kaslo aspires to be a model for small, mountain communities across British Columbia and around the world.”  (Official Community Plan Vision, 2022).

Development PermitDevelopment Variance PermitOCP/Zoning AmendmentSubdivisionTemporary Use Permit
Land Use (Zoning) Consolidated Bylaw
Fees and Charges Bylaw
Site Profile as per the BC Contaminated Sites Regulation
Liquor & Cannabis Licensing (Retail)
Unable to meet off-street parking requirements in zoning.
Related: Licence of Occupation (Municipal property)
Floodplain Bylaw
Development Procedures Bylaw


Where do you need to go?

There are a number of different planning and land use approval requirements that may necessitate submission of an application to the Village for consideration. Where the applicant is not the registered owner of the property subject to the application, and is therefore acting in the capacity of agent, an Agent Authorization Form must be completed and submitted by the registered owner(s).  While staff will strive to assist and advise ahead your application submission, they cannot provide you with any guarantee with respect to outcome nor can they fully process your application without submission of a full, complete application accompanied by payment of the stipulated fees.  There are NO exceptions.

Building Permits

Permits are required for most new construction and alterations to or demolition of existing structures.  While Village staff must review your application to ensure compliance with planning regulations, the primary purpose of the permit is to ensure compliance with building standards bylaws and the BC Building Code. 

More information:


Official Community Plan |  Land Use (Zoning) Bylaw   |  Subdivision Bylaws Part 1 & Part 2  |  Building Bylaw (RDCK)  |

OCP Schedules/Appendices:

Notes:  Most Village planning/ development fees and charges are found in the current fees and charges bylaw.  If you are uncertain about a fee, please check with the office.

The Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) is not a regulatory bylaw with respect to enforceable planning authority  in the community, although it can help inform subsequent bylaw amendments or replacement legislation.  It is a high level vision or strategy document to be utilized by both Council and the community at large in terms of general decision-making and project planning.

The following is an overview of the various types of planning approvals:

Development Permit

ARE YOU PLANNING WORK IN A DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA?  If you don’t know, you’d better read on.  An official community plan may designate Development Permit areas for a variety of purposes (e.g. protection of the natural environment or heritage) in accordance with the Local Government Act. Depending on the purpose of the designation of a Development Permit area, a variety of restrictions may apply such as: a) land may not be subdivided or altered; b) construction of, addition to or alteration of a building or structure must not be started; until a Development Permit has been approved by the Village.

The following Development Application Form must be completed and submitted to the Village for consideration of approval of a Development Permit:


Applicants are encouraged to contact Village staff as a prelude to submitting a Development Application for the purpose of requesting a Development Permit.

Variance Permits

The purpose of a Development Variance Permit (DVP) is to allow for a variance (change) in applicable zoning or land use bylaw regulations. Examples include relaxation of setback requirements for buildings and structures, reduction in parking requirements, increase in building height, etc. A Development Variance Permit must be approved by Council or a Board of Variance and may not vary regulations pertaining to land use (permitted uses) or density.

The Board of Variance is not an appeal board for local government policy decisions, and it cannot replace decisions of elected officials. It is confined to considering variances that will not impact adversely upon a policy decision or change the intent of a bylaw adopted by the municipal council.  A separate form and fee is required for the Board Of Variance, please inquire to the Village office.

For any DVP applications that are determined to require review and decision by Council, the following Development Application Form must be completed and submitted to the Village for consideration of approval of a Development Variance Permit:



Applicants are encouraged to contact Village staff as a prelude to submitting a Development Application for the purpose of obtaining a Development Variance Permit.

Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment / Zoning Bylaw Amendment / Land Use Bylaw Amendment

An official community plan (OCP) provides a policy framework that includes goals and objectives pertaining to a variety of topics/issues such as housing, transportation, servicing and infrastructure, parks, economic development, social matters, the natural environment, etc., that are used to guide the growth and development of a community. An OCP includes a map, commonly referred to as a land use plan, that prescribes various land use designations (e.g. residential, commercial, industrial, etc.) for both existing developed areas, and future development areas. An OCP is adopted by the Regional Board in the form of a bylaw.

A zoning bylaw or land use bylaw is intended to implement the policies of the official community plan through more detailed regulations. It will include a map which applies different zoning categories to properties within the community and prescribes detailed regulations related to land use, the siting, size and dimensions of buildings, minimum lot size for the purposes of subdivision, etc.

In situations where a property owner wishes to use or develop property in a manner that is inconsistent with the provisions of an OCP, zoning bylaw or land use bylaw, it is possible to request consideration of an amendment. In some cases, it will be necessary to amend both the OCP and applicable zoning bylaw or land use bylaw to accommodate a proposal of this nature.

The following Development Application Form must be completed and submitted to the Village for consideration of approval of an official community plan bylaw, zoning bylaw or land use bylaw amendment:


Applicants are encouraged to contact Village staff as a prelude to submitting a Development Application for the purpose of requesting an amendment.


The Village Approving Officer processes and approves applications related to the subdivision of land within the Village.   Council does not have an approving role.  Other permits and bylaw amendments may be necessary prior to a successful subdivision application outcome depending on the circumstances.   Information, including a copy of the application form required for subdivision, can be found at:


If you live in Electoral Area ‘D’:  The Provincial Government processes subdivision applications within unincorporated areas.  Applicants are encouraged to consult with the Regional District of Central Kootenay planning department as a prelude to preparing and submitting an application for subdivision.

Temporary Use Permit

The Local Government Act permits the issuance of a Temporary Use Permits in areas which have been designated to allow temporary uses in an official community plan or zoning / land use bylaw. A Temporary Use Permit allows a use to be undertaken on a temporary basis on property for which the use is not otherwise permitted in the applicable zoning or land use bylaw.  Here is a guide to Temporary Use Permits.

The following Development Application Form must be completed and submitted to the Village for consideration of approval of a Temporary Use Permit:


Applicants are encouraged to contact Village staff as a prelude to submitting a Development Application for the purpose of requesting a Temporary Use Permit.

Payment in Lieu of Parking

Kaslo has many older properties that are a challenge for developers in terms of meeting reasonable off-street parking requirements stipulated in the zoning bylaw (when redeveloping a site), particularly in Commercial Core areas.  Bylaw 1228  (Payment in Lieu of Parking) offers developers flexibility while placing the onus on the municipality to fund new parking and transportation infrastructure that relieves seasonal congestion.  These payments are an option for developers, not a requirement, providing a clear alternative to expensive off-street parking solutions that could make or break a development’s viability.  It is not applied retroactively to existing improvements or uses.

Other Information

If you wish to locate and contact a Wood Energy Technical Training Program (WETT) certified professional that provides wood burning appliance installation and inspection services in your area, please contact Wood Energy Technology Transfer Inc. at:


Conduct a Search on the Internet at:


Telephone: 1-888-358-9388

Fax: 1-416-968-6818

Mail: 189 Queen Street East, Suite 1, Toronto, Ontario M5A 1S2